{friday finds: dolores petunia}

I have a new favorite Etsy shop: Dolores Petunia. It’s filled with hairpieces with blushers and big statement necklaces; basically the two accessories I’m always desperate to find. Below, a few of my favorites. Click on the image to visit the item in shop. Enjoy!


I always thought freckles were cool as a kid. Little did I know that I’d have a good sprinkling of them on my cheeks and nose appearing in my 20’s. At first I freaked out, thinking “Oh no! Sun-damage! Pre-mature aging!”  I’m an olive skin brunette, so why else would I have freckles? One day, I had one of those skin evaluations. To my relief, my skin was declared perfect and with no signs of sun-damage. So, the sprinkles are indeed just freckles. I’ve come to adore them as a quirk. Before this blog moved to this address, it was listed as violetsnfreckles. It seems that violets {my perfume} and freckles are two of the things most frequently associated with the memory of me. I don’t mind it one bit.

What are your quirks? Your perfect little imperfections?

Photos: 1. ellen von unwerth 2. marie hochhaus 3. unknown

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{everyday beautiful life: woolgathering & miscellany}

Grace of Woolgathering & Miscellany and her awesome chihuahua, seen above, are our guest today. Well, actually, just Grace, but I like to imagine that the adorable little pup was sitting next to her while she put together her list.

1. Drink ordinary liquids from wine/champagne/martini glasses. Don’t just let your fancy stemware gather dust, they can make even the most mundane beverages taste like a party in your mouth. I like to do this with EmergenC & OJ.

2. Make the bed every morning. I’m still trying to condition myself to do this. It only takes a minute, and it’s so nice to climb into a neat bed when you’re dog tired at the end of the day.

3. Write a letter. There’s nothing like showing someone that you’re thinking of them with some old fashioned correspondence. A little ray of sunshine beaming out from under a pile of bills and advertisements will surely brighten anyone’s day.

4. Stop to count your gratitudes on a regular basis. It is such a great way to put things into perspective & remind you of the things that really matter.

5. Leave a lasting impression. Hug your loved ones as if it’s the last time you’ll ever see them again.

All photos edited by Ms. Jenn found {via} 1. ffffound 2. the daily bed 3. audrey hepburn complex 4. simply photo 5. le love

{tgif: have a glam weekend}

Have an incredibly lovely and glamorous labor day weekend! I’m in NYC until Tuesday night, so I can’t promise any posts for Monday or Tuesday. Feel free to browse the archives.



Photo by Lyndzi Trang

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