{books, books, books!}

Holy Crap, yay! Barnes and Nobles just launched their e-book store! Currently, the e-reader is free and is available for iphone/ipod, blackberry, mac, and windows. B&N e-books will also be compatible with Plastic Logics e-reader when it is released, however there are no plans to make the books compatible with Sony’s reader or the Amazon Kindle.

When you download the e-reader, you also will get a free Merriam Webster dictionary and some free classics to start you off. You can browse samples of books before you buy them and every purchase is backed up, so you can re-download without charge. {That is really important for me, because I’m disaster prone with all forms of technology.} There’s also that partnership with Google Books that will allow you to download any of the 500,000 public domain books for free. {Read the FAQ here.}

{I’m looking forward to reading this}

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love having real books, especially pretty ones. However, I have thousands at my home at the moment and that pile grows all the time. It will be nice to read e-books (and by the physical copy if I really like it.) Speaking of which, some recommendations…

This book was inspired by the book in the picture below {which is from the lovely boudoir of Alison from Frou Frou Fashionista.} Elegance by Kathleen Tessaro was the first chick-lit type book I ever read. {I had always been against the genre before Elegance.} I found the book so fun and interesting that I tracked down a vintage copy of A Guide to Elegance by Genevieve Antoine Dariaux, who was the directrice at Nina Ricci for quite some time. {I believe the book may have been put into print again.}

While some of the advice in the book may be a tad dated, most of it is still applicable. Above all, Madame Dariaux prizes elegance and chic over being fashionable. Certainly a woman after my own heart. I highly recommend the book. {Besides, it’s pretty!}

Images {via} Harper Collins & Frou Frou Fashionista

{bit of beauty: just lounging}

This is how I spend my days. Just lounging on the bed in a fabulous dress. Don’t you?

Fine, I admit it, I have not done this in a long time. {Ok, so the last time I did, I was severely hungover, but it counts!}

Photos by Craig Fordham

{o brazil}

Some people want to go to Brazil for the beaches or samba at carnaval. I wouldn’t mind to visit for that and more. I have one unusual reason, though. See the photo above.

A Biblioteca do Real Gabinete Português de Leitura located in Rio de Janeiro

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Good morning gorgeous! Don’t you love these photos? The girl and the composition are lovely. She looks so natural and girlish. Gives you a reason not to get a tan this summer, doesn’t it?

Photos by Abless

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Have a sumptuous weekend 🙂

Photos by Daniel Farmer

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{playing my heartstrings}

I have a thing for violins. In my opinion, the violin invokes more emotion than any other instrument. It’s such an elegant and intelligent instrument. It is said that the violin has as much range as the human voice, which is why it is particularly good at imitating and invoking human emotions in songs. I also think it has something to do with the fact that stringed instruments played with bows can hold notes much longer than instruments that rely on human breath. It’s on my list of things to do before I die. In the meantime, I have a bassoon and guitar sitting in my room that need some attention.

I also did a post for Design Tavern that included a violin and piano inspired building. Pop on over and visit. It’s a pretty awesome blog. Below, I’ve included a few songs from classical to pop that feature violins. If you have any suggestion, let me know and I will add them to the playlist. Enjoy!

Photos by 1. starsnatcher 2. abless

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{friday finds: yummy!}

I know this might sound odd, but I’ve never eaten a candied apple. I’ve never really had the desire to do so. That is, until I saw these lovely creations. They are so fun looking that I’m tempted to order one. I think they’d be lovely for a whimsical little party, too. {And we all know how much I adore parties.}

More yummy goodness at Double Dipped Sweets.