{bookworm: overnight socialite}

A few weeks back, I was sent a copy of The Overnight Socialite for review. To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. You might be surprised by this, but I don’t read chick-lit that often. The book was pitched as a retelling of Pygmalion and, perhaps more familiar to you, My Fair Lady.

Chick-lit and Pygmalion? Together?


Skeptical me. Well, I’m happy to say that I liked the book. I’ve been sent some books that I disliked, even some that I disliked so much that I felt the need to give a not so stellar review instead of none at all. I hate doing that, but I must. So, I’m happy that my skepticism washed away when I opened up The Overnight Socialite. It was witty, fun, and not overdone. I feel like that genre has a ton of books that try to hard. This isn’t one of them. Bride Clark, the author, did a great job of making sure that the book had balance and a good flow. I read it straight through {which is always a good sign.}

You can read my review over at the Little Pink Book for more info. If you read the book, let me know what you think!